The Irony of the “Liberation” of the Individual | Jacques Ellul

WATCH AS VIDEO One of the initial criticisms of the pre-Industrial world was that the individual was squashed by his responsibility to the wider society in which he found himself. The Enlightenment, and the subsequent liberation movements that it inspired, focused on the rights of the individual often at the expense of the individual’s responsibilities…

Can We Escape Technology’s Grip? | Jacques Ellul

Watch As Video Is there some way to avoid the influence of technological development? In the modern world, alas, this is more or less impossible. If Jacques Ellul, writing nearly a hundred years ago, was pessimistic about this possibility, how much less possible is this today? Today’s quote from Ellul reflects this pessimism: “Modern technology…


Where Are We Going? | Jacques Ellul on the Modern Technological World’s Lack of Direction

How do we decide whether or not to adopt a new technology? What criteria do we use when we encounter a new product, new service, or a new way of doing or thinking about something? Unfortunately, many of us do not have clear criteria and so we do not have the necessary filters for making…


Propaganda & The Machine | Who Was Jacques Ellul?

WATCH AS VIDEO The next great thinker in our series is the French philosopher, sociologist, and Reformed theologian, Jacques Ellul. Ellul was born in Bordeaux, France, in 1912. He was professor of history and the sociology of institutions at the University of Bordeaux. Among the many topics he discusses in his more than 60 books…

Building The Convivial Society | Ivan Illich

  WATCH AS VIDEO In previous installments, inspired by the thought of the great cultural critic Ivan Illich, we considered what human freedom means and discussed the importance of maximizing for human agency. We also looked at, among other things, Ivan Illich’s critique of the modern education and health systems. I wanted to end our…


What Does It Mean To Be “Healthy”? | Ivan Illich On Health & The Medical Industrial Complex

Watch As Video While the work of Ivan Illich offers remarkable and counterintuitive insights into a variety of aspects of the modern world, he is best known as a critic of both the modern educational system and the modern health system. In one of his most influential works, Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis, The Expropriation…

Maximizing Human Agency | Ivan Illich on The Convivial Society

Watch As Video The quotes from Ivan Illich that we have looked at thus far might suggest that he was a pessimistic and unhappy person. The truth, however, is that Illich does more than simply offer a critique, he also provides a vision and a path forward, as the title of his seminal work, Tools…


Does Advertising Make Us Miserable? | Ivan Illich on Consumer Culture

I have referred to the concept of human flourishing a lot recently, and I’m sure that I will continue to do so. In today’s quote from Ivan Illich, he addresses two often unconsidered side effects of modern consumer society: “In a consumer society there are inevitably two kinds of slaves: the prisoners of addiction and…

What Is a “Radical Monopoly”? | Ivan Illich on Radical Monopolies

Watch As Video Ivan Illich’s second significant, and perhaps most influential, work was Tools For Conviviality, which was published two years after Deschooling Society. In this work, Illich expands his critique of modern institutions, of the dominant role played by technocratic elites in industrial society, of the institutionalization of specialized knowledge, and ultimately argues for…


What Should Education Look Like? | Ivan Illich on Education

Ivan Illich’s first influential work was Deschooling Society, which he published in 1971. In this work, among other things, Illich argued that the institutionalization fostered by the educational system has led to the general institutionalization of society, and that if we could de-institutionalize education, that this would help to de-institutionalize society. The first quote we’re…