Why Don’t We Speak To One Another Anymore? | Neil Postman

Watch As Video The next Neil Postman quote we’re going to look at is also from Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, here’s the quote: “Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas; they exchange images. They do not argue with…

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How Do We Know What We Want? | Neil Postman & René Girard

Watch As Video A subject rarely addressed, but that plays an increasing role in the lives of all people is that of desire, and in particular: how do we know what we want? As always, historical perspective is enlightening: before the dawn of modern advertising (and the industrialization that it was created to market) there…


Do We Live in a Trivial Culture? | Neil Postman on the Scourge of Triviality

Watch As Video Moving forward, in addition to writing standalone pieces like the one I published last week, I am going to continue to go deeper into some of Neil Postman’s most important ideas. The second quote from Postman that I’m going to look at is also from his best-known work, Amusing Ourselves to Death:…

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Two Dystopian Visions: Orwell Vs. Huxley | Neil Postman

Watch As Video In my last post, I introduced you to the great academic and cultural critic Neil Postman, who coined the termed “media ecology,” and founded the media ecology program at NYU. The first Neil Postman quote we’re going to look at is from his best-known work, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in…