Welcome to You Are Not A Machine! | Dr. Herman Middleton

Hello! I am Herman Middleton and welcome to You Are Not a Machine! Where everything we discuss has this as a guiding principle. Another guiding conviction is that we were all born into a huge social experiment, which began hundreds of years ago, and at the heart of which is a mechanistic anthropology that views humans as machines.

My goal with this platform is to begin to understand what this social experiment is, how it began, how it affects us, and what we can do to push back against this anti-human anthropology, which is dehumanizing and destructive not only for humans, but also for the human environment – the natural world.

I compiled The How Did We Get Here? Reading List to offer resources to begin to understand how we ended up in the matrix in which we find ourselves. We are like the proverbial fish that is unable to see the water in which it swims, and the books included in this reading list will help us begin to discern the waters in which we find ourselves. Over the coming weeks and months, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite quotes from many of these works.

To begin with we will be simply tilling the soil and planting seeds that will hopefully bear fruit in the months and years to come as we go deeper down the rabbit hole. My intention is to go very, very deep indeed and we will be looking at each of these works in much greater depth.

So…please join us…down the rabbit hole, and out of the matrix, by downloading The How Did We Get Here? Reading List, joining our newsletter, subscribing to our YouTube channel, and connecting with us on social media!

And…I will see you on the other side!

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