You Are Not A Machine: The Book casts a critical eye at the development of technology over the past thousand years. The modern world began to be shaped in the conversations that took place during the Scholastic period, and modern science and its handmaiden, technology, are the natural result of these conversations.
The result is that the world in which most of us find ourselves is involved in an uncontrolled ongoing mass social experiment that lacks clear goals. The results of this experiment is that both humans and the human environment, the natural world, are being destroyed. In opposition to this anti-human and anti-nature experiment there remains a timeless anthropology that is grounded in nature and reality.
Thoreau famously wrote that “we have become the tools of our tools,” and every day this becomes more true. Technology can be fine, but it needs to serve humans, and not the other way around. We have allowed technology to enslave us, and this enslavement makes it increasingly difficult to discern what it is that humans were created for, and how one can live a meaningful life.
It is the goal of You Are Not A Machine: The Book to offer insight into how we ended up in the mess in which we find ourselves, and what we need to do to free ourselves from the matrices into which we were born.